
Media Mate has been our loyal photo and videography vendor for a very long time. We have been engaging Media Mate for products, menu, events, corporate, branding, poster, food photography services. We were never once being let down. You will be on good hands engaging Media Mate.

Engel Engel – Duesey Group

Big thanks for Media Mate professional photography services for our home-stay business, our booking rates increased tremendously after we have uploaded our new photos to our booking websites. Thanks again for the quality photos and affordable pricing. Keep up the good work!!

Ken Ken – Profolio

It’s has been a very long time since we last encountered such a committed vendor. Nextfaces had not just provided professional talents but among the best services, you can ever expect. Highly recommended and wish Nextfaces all well and a fruitful future.


Jay – Granny’s Cottage Jay – Granny’s Cottage